
Accessibility statement

The accessibility statement applies to the website and was updated on 30 April 2021. We have examined for ourselves how accessible the service is.

Accessibility largely meets Level AA in the Accessibility Directive. The statement is based on self-assessment. Accessibility has been evaluated using Google Lighthouse.

Shortcomings in accessibility are rectified as far as possible.

Non-accessible content:

Not all images have ALT texts.

A description of images is missing, for example, in diagrams.                    

There are not always ALT texts for links.

There may be forms where it is probably pointed out that invalid information has been written in the field, but not what should be written.

The page was published on 1 May 2021.

Korsholm 31 May 2023

Did you discover a lack of accessibility in our digital service?

Describe it for us by e-mail:

You can also use the form below.


  • Du kan skicka ditt meddelande anonymt, men om du vill ha svar måste vi ha dina kontaktuppgifter.
  • Eftersom datasäkerheten inte är säkrat för den här responsblanketten ska du inte uppge t.ex. personbeteckningar eller bankkontonummer eller lämna uppgifter som gäller förmögenhet. Lämna inte heller känsliga uppgifter, t.ex. uppgifter om hälsotillstånd eller klientskap.

    Elektroniska meddelanden sänds till myndigheterna på avsändarens ansvar (lagen om elektronisk kommunikation i myndigheternas verksamhet 13/24.1.2003, 8 §). Om det har bestämts en tidsfrist för inlämnande av handlingen ska avsändaren se till att handlingen kommer in till myndigheten inom tidsfristen (förvaltningslagen 434/6.6.2003, 17 §).

    Som ett responsmeddelande ska du följaktligen aldrig sända t.ex. lagstadgade anmärkningar, klagomål eller en begäran om omprövning av ett beslut.

Supervisory authority

Contact us if you want to point out any shortcomings in the availability of our website. It may take 14 days before receiving a reply. If you are not satisfied with the answer you have received or do not receive an answer at all within two weeks, you can report it to the Regional State Administrative Agency in Southern Finland. The Regional State Administrative Agency’s website describes how you can submit a notification and how the matter is handled.

Contact details of the Authority

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland
Accessibility Control Unit
telephone switchboard 0295 016 000