Refugee reception and integration

In Korsholm (Mustasaari), the integration unit is responsible for coordinating the reception of quota refugees and asylum seekers who have been granted a residence permit, and for implementing integration measures and support without delay. The integration work takes place in collaboration with other municipal activities. Such integration activities are responsible for initiating and maintaining collaboration between local actors. In Korsholm, Kulturhuset (House of Culture) is a natural hub for cultural diversity and many friend families are also involved in the integration of refugee families on a voluntary basis.

Activity model

The aim of integration activity is to support and promote the integration of refugees who have been given a place of residence in Korsholm.

Integration efforts aim to provide refugees with the conditions to support themselves and become part of the new society. Integration work also means utilising the resource created when people of different ethnicities, cultures, languages, religions and life experiences move to Korsholm.

The activities emphasise openness, equality and the promotion of a societal development that accepts diversity and difference.

Key functions

REFUGEE RECEPTION for people with a residence permit

  • Integration work in accordance with the Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration
  • Social work in accordance with the Social Welfare Act
  • Family reunification

INFORMATION SERVICE in collaboration with the municipality’s Welcome Office service point

  • Refugees (quota refugees and asylum seekers who have been granted a residence permit)
  • Economic immigrants
  • Student immigrants
  • Other immigrants

COORDINATION AND COOPERATION with other actors in integration issues

  • Various municipal activities
  • Employment and Economic Development Office
  • Adult education
  • Magistrates
  • Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY)
  • Police
  • The third sector
  • Volunteers (e.g. friend families & the Red Cross)
  • Other actors

If necessary, we can order an interpreter or use telephone interpretation.

Useful links

The Finnish Immigration Service

Ministry of the Interior

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment:

Public Employment and Business Services (TE services)

Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA)


Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY)


Contact information

Korsholm’s integration unit
Centrumvägen 4,
65610 Korsholm
Tel. 06 3277 111 (switchboard)