Fees for morning and afternoon activities

On 20 April 2016, the Board of Education determined the following monthly fees for morning and afternoon activities arranged by the municipality:

  • Afternoon activities €100 per month
  • Morning activities €30 per month
  • Morning and afternoon activities €130 per month.
  • Morning and afternoon activities are arranged between 07:30 and 17:00.
    The monthly fee includes a snack every afternoon.

    The fee is determined on the basis of the notified service need, no later than in May, when the morning and/or afternoon activities are granted. The fee can be reduced or reduced retroactively according to a separate application (see info below).

    Any significant changes in the need for care during the academic year, or the termination of a place, must be notified in writing to the manager in good time. Changes in the morning and afternoon activities arranged by the municipality are made in Wilma, under applications and decisions, using the application form for morning and afternoon activities. Please note! The application is not made in the phone’s Wilma app but via a browser, e.g. Firefox or Google Chrome. The changes will take effect from the beginning of the following full calendar month.

    Contact Folkhälsan in Korsholm, Fritis and Veikids regarding their fees and absence policy.

    Absence from Korsholm municipality’s morning and afternoon activities

  • Only half of the normal monthly fee will be charged if the manager arranges activities for a maximum of 10 days during a calendar month. This can possibly happen in August, depending on the school starting date.

  • Only half of the normal monthly fee will be charged if a child is unable to participate in activities for a longer period than 10 days during a calendar month due to illness. A medical certificate must be presented.
  • No fee is charged if a child is ill for an entire calendar month. A medical certificate must be presented.
  • Half of the monthly fee is charged if, for some other reason, the child does not participate in the activities for an entire calendar month. 
  • Granting a fee exemption or fee discount for morning and afternoon activities

    A parent or guardian can request a fee exemption or fee discount regardless of the organisation arranging the morning and afternoon activities you hire. The parent or guardian must make a separate application to be granted a fee exemption or a fee discount. The request is directed to Korsholm municipality. Here you find the form for request for fee exemption in Swedish and in Finnish.

    The decision to reduce the client fee by 50 percent or not to collect the fee can be made from the beginning of the month in which the application with associated appendices has been submitted to the education department of Korsholm municipality. The decision is valid until the end of the academic year in question at the latest. An exemption or a discount is not granted retroactively.

    When determining family size, persons living in a joint household in marriage or marriage-like conditions are taken into consideration, as well as minor children living in the same household and are children of these persons. If necessary, the information in the population register is examined.

    When a decision on a fee discount is made or when a decision on a fee exemption is made, the family’s taxable earned and capital income, as well as the tax-free income for the child, its parent or another guardian in a joint household in marriage or marriage-like relationships shall be taken into consideration.
    If the family’s income changes after a decision has been made or the family grows, the education department of Korsholm municipality must be notified immediately. A fee reduction or fee exemption granted due to incorrect information can be collected by the client retroactively.

    Income limits 1.8.2022 Client fee – 50 % Exemption from client fee – 100 %
    Family size Gross limit €/month Gross limit €/month
    2 2 870 1 915
    3 2 870 1 915
    4 3 080 2 053
    5 3 290 2 191
    6 3 490 2 328