Library card and terms of use

When applying for a library card you must sign an agreement in which you promise to follow these terms of use, including returning materials and keeping up with loan periods.

Service and use

At the main library, the branch libraries and in the Korsholm Library Bus you will find a wide range of books, audio books, e-books, films, music and magazines. At the main library you will also find newspapers. The library staff will assist you in looking for literature and information. Following library terms of use allows you to use the library materials, services, and public spaces free of charge.

Library card

Library card application form:

To get a library card you need to fill in an application form with your personal information and show your identification to the library staff. The first library card is free of charge. If you lose the card you can get a new one in exchange for a small fee. Children under the age of 15 can have their own library card with the permission of their guardian. The guardian is accountable for the loans of the child.

Schools, daycare centers and other institutions can also be granted a library card. One person at the institution, over 18 years of age, needs to give their written consent and be the one responsible for all the loans.

The library card is for personal use only, and it is to be shown every time you borrow library material. You are responsible for all library material borrowed with your card. Inform the library if you change your name, address, or telephone number. Also inform us if your card is lost.

Obligations of library users (Public Libraries Act 1492/2016) §13): Users of public library services shall behave in an appropriate manner in libraries. The Public Order Act (612/2003) applies to persons who disrupt library operations and jeopardise public security in a library. Library users shall handle the materials and other property of public libraries with care.

Data protection

As a library card holder your personal information is registered in the library’s user database.

Personal information is treated confidentially.

A library user can, after proving his/her identity, review the information about him/her in the register. The guardian has the right to review the information for the cards she/he is responsible for.

Borrowing and returning material

The loan period differs depending on what type of material you borrow:

• Books and audio books             28 days

• Magazines, CD:s and DVD:s    14 days

The due date is printed on the receipt you get when you have borrowed from the library. All library material can be renewed if it is not reserved for another customer. You can return your loans to any library in the municipality of Korsholm. Library material can also be returned to the return boxes at each library when they are closed. The return date will then be the date when the library opens again.

Material that is returned late (the number of loans does not matter):

• Fines for late delivery 1        2 €

• Fines for late delivery 2        5 € (+ fee for earlier reminders)

• Fines for late delivery 3        10 € (+ bill for unreturned material)

When borrowed material is reserved by another customer a message is sent to the one who has the material as soon as the due date has passed. The fee for this reminder is 2 €.

Children under the age of 15 are exempt from late fees.

A person who has more than 25 € in fees cannot borrow more library material before paying off the debt.

The fees need to be paid also when you have returned material late to the return boxes.

As a library customer you are obliged to pay for damaged, lost, or unreturned material. The library will not reimburse material that has already been paid for.

You can renew your loans, reserve library material, and check your contact information in the web library, To access the web library, you need your library card and a four-digit PIN-code. You get a PIN-code by visiting the library. With the PIN-code you can also borrow digital material.

Reminder about loans soon to expire

You can ask the library to send you a reminder of loans that are about to expire. An e-mail will then be sent to you a couple of days before the due date. You can also get a message to your e-mailbox regarding material that your children have borrowed. Let us know if you would like to receive these messages and to which e-mail address. Please observe that this service is only a reminder and does not take away your responsibility to return borrowed material on time. You can check the due date on the receipt you get when borrowing, by logging in to or by contacting the library.


It can be tricky to keep track of loans and due dates when each family member has their own library card. Did you know that you can link your family members’ library cards to your own online library account?

By connecting other family members to your own account, you can with a single login:

• keep track of the whole family’s due dates

• if necessary, renew loans that are due

You need:

• your own library card number and those of your family members’

• each card’s PIN-code